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A Look Back At Past Investor Conference Chairmen

We’ve been covering an Investor Conference in New York for quite a few years now AND are really looking forward to covering the latest iteration of it next week in New York, because each one seems to get better and better!

Do you remember all those who chaired an event back in the early days? We thought it might be rather fun to take a look back at who they were and what they’ve been doing since.

  1. David DeGiorgi [1]
  2. Kevin Covert [2] and Ken Sonenclar [3]
  3. Keith Kelsen
  4. Stephen Nesbitt
  5. Adrian Cotterill and Stuart Armstrong
  6. Adrian Cotterill and Stephen Nesbitt
  7. Adrian Cotterill and Stephen Nesbitt

You notice DailyDOOH’s esteemed editor-in-chief was co-chair of the last three and will be so again this year, along with Stephen Nesbitt. As he says, “No-one, not even Steve have dared let me loose to do one on my own.”

So, where are they now?