Broadsign Jul 2024 lead

DigiCast To Shed Its Screen Networks

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

In May 2012 San Francisco-based DigiCast Networks, a division of Brite Media Group, purchased RMG’s café digital signage network (referred to at RMG as its Today network), in June it joined the DPAA, celebrated the fact that its Gas Station Radio had surpassed 1,000 installed locations AND we featured Chris Lanman, Senior Vice-President, in our CEO Spotlight but it seems, at first sight, that DigiCast or perhaps its owner has lost its industry love!

Chris reached out to us Tuesday to give us an update on happenings at DigiCast and Brite Media Group: –

  1. Most recently Brite Media Group divested GSA Media, their static gas station signage business, that they’ve owned since 2006. Brite Media Group grew the business substantially over that time period and sold the business to AllOver Media who was their largest competitor in the static gas station sign niche. This transaction was completed in July and was likely a positive transaction for Brite Media Group that will allow the company to continue to invest in other areas
  2. Following that transaction the Group looked at where it ought to focus company resources and capital over the next few years. We are told that based on the company’s deep experience and success in the gas station advertising industry they’ve decided with their investors to make a LARGER investment in the Gas Station Radio Network and grow from 1,200 to 2,000 locations to digitally deliver high quality audio at the gas pump
  3. The Group has decided to divest both its Restaurant Video Network and Café Video Networks and is actively talking with a number of parties now to acquire these networks and technology

After all of that Brite Media Group has approximately 100 employees in the US, with 15 dedicated to their digital business in New York, Chicago, and LA with all operations still based in San Francisco.

To summarise then, the only digital media (and that’s digital radio) that will be left in the Group is DigiCast, i.e. Gas Station Radio.

In terms of static media there is still BriteVision (coffee ad sleeves) and AdverTickets (check cashing network).

There is also a full service experiential promotions group

One Response to “DigiCast To Shed Its Screen Networks”

  1. Colonel Sanders Says:

    Ah, Confucious say-“he who know all the answers, has not asked all the questions”!

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