Why You Need A Content Strategy

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

If you are planning a digital place-based network to enhance onsite communications with customers, visitors, and/or employees, or are currently struggling with the overwhelming task of keeping content fresh on current network installations, you may want to take in this free October 30th webinar entitled, ‘Why You Need a Content Strategy & How to Create One.’

While network owners have many factors to consider, no one element is more important than content. Without compelling, relevant content, there’s no reason for anyone to watch. This session will arm attendees with information they need to develop a content strategy based on such factors as target audience, dwell time and type of location. Beyond strategy, the speaker will discuss how to source content.

In this one-hour session, attendees will learn:

  • How to assess the viewing environment to ensure that content is relevant to network audiences;
  • Whether content be produced in-house, outsourced, or both, and how often it should be refreshed;
  • Alternatives to managing the ongoing process.

Presented by Loren Goldfarb whose creative work, planning and oversight has made the Everwell‘s MediVista in-doctor’s office digital network successful, the free session will focus on key steps in creating successful content strategy and offer tips and insights on alternative ways to manage the ongoing process.

As a founding partner of MediVista Media, Goldfarb co-developed the content strategy for Everwell, the company’s national digital out-of-home TV network in doctors’ offices. He oversees MVM’s in-house production team, which creates original health and wellness content for Everwell TV, everwell.com and the company’s many syndication partners.

Space is limited. You can register here now.

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