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Is It True That Only 1,045 People Visited #CETW?

We know that #CETW was beset with problems arising from Hurricane Sandy but is it correct that only 1,045 people attended as visitors?

Posted by on 13 November 2012.

Categories: Scuttlebut

2 Responses

  1. The entire area was completely devastated by Hurricane Sandy with half of the city closed for days. Can’t believe they even held the event – consider 1,000+ attendees a success. There are still tens of thousands of people here who are still waiting for their power to be restored more than 2 weeks after the storm – sections of Manhattan still remain dark.

    by Ian D'Giff - Social Media Manager @ Apollo Displays on Nov 14, 2012 at 15:35 @691

  2. Ian:

    I’m surprised that you found time to respond, given how much time you dedicate to spamming LinkedIn groups with sales drivel.

    by Clark Kent on Nov 14, 2012 at 17:27 @768

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