Times Square To Get More Digital Spectaculars
Gail Chiasson, North American Editor
Superior Digital Displays Inc. is set to launch a multi-location network of digital spectaculars in New York’s Times Square.
The first of five digital spectaculars to be installed on the Thomson-Reuters Building at #3 Times Square will be operational in Q1 of 2013. Three additional digital spectaculars will also be installed at 729 7th Avenue on the corner of 49th Street. Once completed, the Superior Digital Displays billboard network will expand the visual boundaries of Times Square by projecting HD quality video both east and west on 42nd Street and also north along 7th Avenue to 59th Street and Central Park.
Superior Digital Displays was founded in 2011. Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, it also has an office in New York.
Once the eight Times Square digital displays are completed, advertisers will be able to either purchase them as a full network or by location. John Rywelski, vice-president of advertising, can be reached at john@superiordigitaldisplays.com. The company CEO is William ‘Bill’ Mulder.
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