Just briefly, as we will be covering The DailyDOOH Gala Awards [1] in a bit more detail over the weekend and early next week, here are the winners from last night’s award ceremony at Banqueting House, Whitehall, London…
- Best QSR / Bar or Restaurant Deployment: Subway | Real Digital Media
- Best Digital Poster or Street Furniture Implementation : Intelligent Street Furniture – Paris | JCDecaux
- Best High Street/Supermarket /Convenience Store or Forecourt Deployment : Amscreen Forecourt Network | Amscreen
- Best Stadium/Office Building/Corporate / Hotel, Hospitality or Leisure Install: Bloomberg | Téléciné Multimedia
- Best Original Digital Billboard: Two Towers West | Ocean Outdoor
- Best Digital Out of Home Campaign: Microloan Foundation’s Pennies For Life DLKWLowe | Absolute | United Studios | Grand Visual | Ocean Outdoor

Two other awards were also given at the prestigious black tie event: BroadSign collected their ‘Reggie’ for being #1 in our Top 10 Digital Signage Vendors 2012 list [3] and Gerard Bucas, in asbentia (unfortunately Gerard missed his connecting flight to London via New York late on Wednesday evening), was given a Lifetime Achievement Award.
4 Comments To "Last Night’s Winners (2012)"
#1 Comment By Phil Austin On 30 November 2012 @ 14:08 @630
Can we have a recording of the event because we did not hear anything on the night, great bash by the way, you are in the wrong job
#2 Comment By James Abdool On 1 December 2012 @ 09:21 @431
A recording of the event will help anyone who is also hard of hearing. Great evening, even when surrounded by a table of French
#3 Comment By James Fine On 2 December 2012 @ 05:09 @256
A HUGE thank you to Adrian, the sponsors, and all who contributed to a make this such a fabulous event. It was extremely pleasant and encouraging to celebrate success in our industry with so many of our international confreres.
A special thank you to Phil Austin for… among other things… mentioning the sound issue. What a relief. I thought I had drunk way too much. Now I can cancel that AA meeting.
Can’t wait till next year!
#4 Pingback By #PlayWithOurPixels The Art of Outdoor Digital Competition | Maxmedia Outdoor On 23 August 2013 @ 18:44 @822
[…] competition winner, the MicroLoan Foundation, went on to win Best Digital Out of Home Campaign at The DailyDOOH Gala Awards and a Gold Cannes Lions for its celebrated ‘Pennies for Life’ […]