Adrian, Andrew, Jorge, Gail, Maddie and our contributors would like to wish our readers a very Merry Christmas.
We would like to again, thank all of those who have advertised online with us during 2012…
Amigo Digital, AOpen, Ayuda Media Systems, Bluefox, BroadSign, Christie, ComQi, Digicast, Digital Placed Based Advertising Association, Digital Signage Expo, Digital Signage Federation, DV-Signage Europe GmbH, IAdea, InAVate Magazine, Integrated Systems Europe (ISE), Limited Space Ltd., MooKuh, NCR, NEC Display Solutions, Real Media Group, RMG Networks, Scala, Screen Media Expo Europe, signagelive, STRATACACHE, The Screen and VUKUNET.
We would also like to thank all of those who took adverts in our book DOOH Insights: 2008 to 2012 and not forgetting NEC Display Solutions’ VUKUNET and Scala Inc. who were kind enough to sponsor The DailyDOOH Gala Awards.
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