#NECshowcase Thought Leadership Summit #Result!

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

113 people registered and 93 came on the day to listen to 11 quick fire presentations from some great speakers, talking; predominantly about video walls, but also touching on the subjects of billboards, mobile and touch interactivity, innovation, open source computing.

TLS Videowalls Unplugged speakers2

From left to right; Dirk Huelsermann (VUKUNET DOOH Solutions Manager, NEC Display Solutions Europe), Adrian Exton (Director, BlueSight Systems Ltd), Tim Harvey (Director of Digital Strategy, JCDecaux UK), Matthew Wilkinson (Head of Mobile, Eye Corp), Anders Hall (Wonderworks Media), Adrian Cotterill (TLS MODERATOR, DailyDOOH Editor-in-Chief), Mike Fisher (Market Analyst, Futuresource Consulting), Falcon Tam (Klocktornet AB /DISE), Alex Hughes (Amigo co-founder), Andreas Soupliotis (CEO and Founder, Ayuda Media Systems), Andrew Neale, Technical Director IGCH Ltd, co-founder and co-owner of Kaleidovision Ltd, and President of the OpenSplash Association. and behind (shown on the screen), Bob Rushby (founder and President of Pixelized Light Inc.).

Bob was physically not present but managed to present, fantastically by the way, via video (as shown below)…

TLS Videowalls Unplugged Bob Rushby

Attendees were also given a sneak peak at some of the goings on at Ayuda Labs, Ocean Labs and VUKUNET Labs, as well as behind the scenes look at JCDecaux’s plans for Europe’s largest indoor (outdoor too!) LED at London’s Waterloo station.

We’d like to thank Simon Jackson and all at NEC Display Solutions for helping us to put on the day, Kurt Bowen and his team from White Space Productions Ltd, all the speakers who worked very hard (and had to put up with me, critiquing every aspect of their presentation … sorry!), ONELAN for supplying us with 150 4GB USB drives for attendees to walk away with all the presentations on the day, Christie for supplying all of our speakers with ‘goodie’ bags, including the Book of Shapes and of course all those who attended the summit.

Next up in our Thought Leadership Summit series is ‘Billboards Unplugged’ which will take place in New York City on Monday 21 October 2013, as part of #DpbMedia week.

One Response to “#NECshowcase Thought Leadership Summit #Result!”

  1. megapixels are boring. let’s talk gigapixels. « pixels …everywhere. Says:

    […] Cotterill, editor-in-chief of the DailyDOOH, asked me if I’d speak about gigapixels at the Thought Leadership Summit: Videowalls Unplugged conference.  The DailyDOOH organized that event last week at the #NECshowcase in […]

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