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Talkline opts for Neo Advertising

The news of big deployments across Europe keeps on coming. This wasn’t officially announced until Thursday 17th Jan 2008 but as usual we get the scoop first.

Neo Advertising has won a really great deal in Germany with Talkline. By March 2008 there will be 90 x Talkline TV concession stores in 90 Karstadt stores across Germany.

Hans Trompke, Direct Sales Manager at Talkline told us “With the launch of Talkline POS TV as the modern communication and information medium, we are offering our sales partners an ideal environment for their product placement. Even quite complex products can be presented visually, enabling immediate customer awareness right at the POS. Also, since this represents an upgrade of our POS network in all Karstadt GmbH branches across Germany, we are therefore extending our advertising media beyond the reach of print-based advertising.”

About Neo Advertising

The Neo Advertising Group was founded in 2003 and is a media company operating internationally. With its European in-store TV network, Neo Advertising is one of the leading digital signage providers in Europe. Amongst Neo’s business partners are the French retail chain Carrefour, the German retail chain Edeka and the telecommunications provider Talkline. Neo operates through its own branches in Germany, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Canada. This makes Neo one of the pioneers in the field of digital media for use at the point of sale (POS) and point of information (POI). Chief Executive of Neo Advertising GmbH, registered in Hamburg, is Sven C. Jacobi. Sitting on the Advisory Council of Neo Advertising GmbH are Andre Kemper, Günter Netzer and Heinrich, Prince Reuss.

About Talkline

Talkline GmbH, Elmshorn, with over 3.7 million customers and sales of over a thousand million Euro, has for years been one of the leading telecommunications companies in Germany. Following the merger with cellular telephony provider Debitel, both companies have a joint market share of 15% and rank 3 in the scale of cellular telephony providers in Germany.