Michael Provenzano, King of the Sound Bite

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

He’s billed as ‘Michael Provenzano, Co-founder, Vistar Media‘ but if you’ve met him you know damn well that a better title would be ‘Michael Provenzano, King of the Sound Bite, Bidding in Real Time For His Next Speaking Slot‘ and we cannot quite figure out who at The ADVERTISING Club Of New York invited him to speak at their 6th Annual Out-Of-Home:Now Conference which takes place (tomorrow) Tuesday, December 10, 2013.

They will learn. In fact, the whole audience will soon learn.

2 Responses to “Michael Provenzano, King of the Sound Bite”

  1. Spring Mountain Capital, LP Says:

    what is wrong with you?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Not a very professional remark to make about someone who is helping to build the industry. Anyone that knows Michael Provenzano knows him to be a very good person that has already demonstrated a proven track record of success as a partner at Invite Media.

    To answer your question regarding why The Advertising Club of New York would invite Michael. They know Michael to be well spoken and intelligent.

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