Heard in London this week from several people is that UK based Ubiquitous Taxi Advertising [1] are (see also today’s NYC story ‘VeriFone Media Launches Full-Motion Video Taxi Tops’ [2]) set to explore Taxi Top Video Advertising solutions of their own.
Rumour is that they are ignoring the likes of Ronnie Corbett and Piers Mummary and going it alone, putting together their own technology solution.
1 Comment To "Ubiquitous Taxi To Add Taxi Top Video"
#1 Comment By Richard Corbett On 30 January 2014 @ 11:15 @510
Dear Adrian,
Thank you for the update. We wish Andrew and Ubiq all the best in their new venture! It is certainly a surprise and great shame that they have chosen to move away from their partnership with Brightmove.
On a final note, for clarification, there is no “ignoring” on our part as we work (and have always worked) with VeriFone Media in the London market.
Kind regards,