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#dse2014 @PeerlessAV On Getting It Right

“Our aim is to enhance technology, and we have a new slogan: Get It Right,” Brian McClimans, newly promoted to the position of vice-president global business development at Peerless-AV [1], Aurora, Illinois, told us at #dse2014 last week.

IF [2]“We’ve been in business since 1941, did our first TV mount in 1964 and then moved into digital signage,” said McClimans.

“We now have wireless devices as well. We support which way the industry is going – but it is a challenge. There are so many ways of doing it. We need more standardization in the industry. We need a commonality.”

Peerless positions itself as a partner with display manufacturers, to provide easy-to-use solutions while keeping costs down.

New outdoor sign [3]

New outdoor sign

“The display manufacturers challenge us, and we challenge ourselves,” said McClimans, who expects to be traveling more to Mexico, the U.K. and the EMEA “with the same approach,” with his expanded responsibilities. “I’ll be looking at uncovering new markets.”

McClimans foresees more sign manufacturers getting into digital signage. “Members of the International Sign Association [4] are ripe for getting into digital signage. There’s a big untapped market there.”

One of several new products that took our eye at the Peerless-AV booth was a new outdoor sign sealed for all-weather.

This high, bright sign could well be used in a variety of places – including amusement parks, which is one of the new market areas being explored this year by McClimans.

For Train Safety and Information [5]

For Train Safety and Information

It’s an area where it’s important to reduce the wait time (or perceived wait time) for rides and attractions and one of the ways is for easy-to-use intuitive signage, he said.

Another digital signage example displayed at the Peerless-AV booth was in the transportation sector, specifically for the operational use of subway trains.

These signs provide a variety of information both in terms of safety for the train operators while the public gains information on train arrivals, construction, and other information. Peerless-AV has already deployed them at the Chicago metro transportation stops and at the Washington metro.