Sugar Daddy Wanted (@ComQi WLTM Straight Men)
Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief
“Young, lethargic 7 year old company seeks generous older man. I haven’t yet graduated or got a proper job and I need help with my bills. Contact me if you want to engage in a mutually beneficial on-going relationship.”
It’s now semi-official that Shifty Ifty has been instructed to dispose of the company that he was put in charge of last year when the then CEO went elsewhere to pursue his theatrical dreams.
Whilst ComQi have no doubt been ‘for sale’ for some time it appears that there is a new sense of urgency in getting rid and we note that there is a new for sale document that his hit the streets.
Of course we haven’t seen the document (REDACTED) but if we had (REDACTED) we think that perhaps it ought to have had an asking price on it.
Otherwise said document makes it all look like a distressed sale .. oh wait! 😉
June 26th, 2014 at 13:44 @614
Mr. Cotterill:
You are consistently heavy handed with Mr. Iftar and his company. They should be given credit for having thought out their liquidation strategy as well as their product and market strategies.