Archive for December, 2007

Screen Media India – March 20 2008

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

There’s a date now for Screen Media India / Mumbai 2008 which is early in the year on 20th March 2008. No web site up yet but you can contact Mark Pigou at Screen Events for more information or of course talk to him and his team at Screen Expo or email

Chinese DOOH

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

One of our researchers found this on the web dated September 2007 whilst doing some research on an upcoming post (about our thoughts on world wide signage shows to see / attend in 2008). It’s brief and easy to read with nice pictures and whilst far too short to do the subject any justice at […]

Cisco’s Global IP Traffic Forecast

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Cisco’s Global IP Traffic Forecast For the techies (and strategists) amongst our readership the attached white paper from Cisco is a must read!! It’s basically Cisco’s Global IP Traffic Forecast and explores the implications of IP traffic growth for service providers.

The Minority Report Thesis Part 2

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

DailyDOOH has 1,000’s of readers and email subscribers yet only 142 of you have responded to Imran Ashraf’s survey for his Minority Report thesis. It only takes 5 minutes to complete so click here if you can help make a graduate researcher a happy man. He starts to process the data next week so get […]

Former Avanti Screenmedia CEO buys 2.97% of company

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

I guess he is taking advantage of the share price movement – it swings up and down more than you can ever imagine – one minute 5p the next 12p (it was also at the heady heights of 28p for a few hours a month back) but David John Williams, the former Avanti Screenmedia CEO […]

Nokia’s Flagship Store on Regent Street

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Mark Halper in yesterday’s Independent on Sunday Business Section (UK Newspaper) wrote a very good article about Nokia’s forthcoming Flagship Store on Regent Street. It’s also conveniently repeated in their online offering here These flagship and concept stores are ideal new business deals of course for digital signage and kiosk vendors and for in-store media […]

James Abdool, EnQii’s new EMEA President

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

The difference between good companies and great companies is very often their people. If Microsoft and Google for example, see a great interview candidate or know of an exceptional talent that comes on the market they grab them with both hands – even sometimes if they don’t know what role (yet) that person will play […]

Tesco Screens Creative RFP

Friday, December 14th, 2007

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Tesco Screens Creative RFP DailyDOOH has the worldwide exclusive and is the first to distribute the Tesco Screens Creative RFP which is attached as a Word document to this blog. Please note the deadlines which are, of course, very important… Deadline to submit via fax/e-mail Attachment A (Notice of Intent to Bid) December 24th, 2007 […]

Try not to think about cheese

Friday, December 14th, 2007

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Two of the digital networks that Posterscope used for their own advertising campaign (previously referenced on this blog here) were Ocean Outdoor’s big screen in Glasgow – shown above and of course the now ubiquitous DEPs from CBS Outdoor on the London Underground.

Perceptive Pixel

Friday, December 14th, 2007

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

I don’t fully understand how this works and haven’t seem any coverage of it elsewhere but it’s something we know a couple of European networks are looking at, as well as Remotemedia’s US operation – who are looking at using the technology for the launch of a new product for a well known brand. The […]