Archive for July, 2009

Has M&S Finally Adopted Digital Signage?

Sunday, July 5th, 2009

Chris Heap

Spotted by one of my associates in the fresh produce department in Marks and Spencer in Milton Keynes (UK) is this interesting full colour shelf edge screen – a wide aspect screen that occupies a reasonably small footprint and is embedded into a larger plastic unit that doubles as a static POP barker. In this  […]

CoolSign Appoints MxN Middle East As Regional VAR

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Chris Sheldrake

News just in that MXN Middle East FZ-LLC has been appointed as the Value Added Reseller (VAR) for the Middle East and North Africa regions by CS Software Holdings LLC, maker of the CoolSign digital signage software suite. Lou Giacalone, Jr., President of CoolSign told us “CoolSign is committed to the reseller channel and providing […]

SIM Conference Looking For Speakers

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

The conference which runs the middle day of the Signage, Imaging and Media event in Abu Dhabi 18th – 20th October is looking for a couple more speakers. They have quite a nice line up so far, including our good friends Raad Raad (Managing Director, MxN) and Lou Giacalone Jr. (CoolSign). If anyone is interested […]

Signage, Imaging and Media, Abu Dhabi

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Chris Sheldrake

The SIM – Signage, Imaging and Media event in Abu Dhabi sounds a little like the UK’s Sign & Digital show but we are told by those in the know that it is one of the most comprehensive trade shows for the regional marketing communications industry. This is the second running of the show and […]

New Tesco Digital Signage Network

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Word reaches us of an interesting new UK digital signage network which was just launched in Tesco’s new Banking and Insurance Centres. The network’s due to roll out to a handful of new stores over the summer, in addition to the initial batch of installations that have already taken place in Coventry, Oldham, Long Eaton, […]

Innovative Infiniti ‘I-View’ Showroom Project

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Chris Sheldrake

We quite like this Scala powered Infiniti ‘I-View’ showroom project and POPAI agree as they just awarded it a Gold Prize at the POPAI European Awards 2009 ceremony BUT the important thing to realise, and strangely not something that any of the solutions providers will have told the car manufacturer is that the colour selection […]

Blue Is The Colour, Football Is Our Game

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

Chris Sheldrake

If you are British and of a certain age you may remember Tommy Boyd, an ex-TV Presenter who once fronted the commercial equivalent of the BBC’s Blue Peter; a programme called Magpie. Anyway the business Play Instore that Tommy is involved with was at the In Store Show last week and seemed to make no […]

Insight Is NOT An Embargoed Press Release

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Seems that DigSignageToday has been twittering about something they shouldn’t have – naughty boys!! Let’s just say that sneak peaks, rumour, inside knowledge and hey! even gossip don’t come from embargoed press releases. If you want real insight, knowledge and opinion you know you need look no further than DailyDOOH 🙂 Earlier today we were […]

Neo Media Group Set To Launch eyeDooH

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Neo Media Group is we believe set to launch a new OFFSHORE content creation service, called eyeDooH for the Digital Out Of Home marketplace in the next couple of weeks. Based out of Beijing the new business will be aimed squarely at the repetitive and basic content creation needs of networks; basic video editing, repurposing […]

EYE Helps MTV Tr3s To Launch Music Telenova

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

US Mall media operator EYE is working with MTV’s MTV Tr3s to help launch their new music telenovela, Isa TKM. We are told that this #1 hit teen telenovela has become a phenomenon across Latin America – the debut episode in the US of Isa TKM aired Monday, June 22 at 5pm EST, with new […]