Archive for July, 2009

Ski Dubai, 25 Screens

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Chris Sheldrake

Meeddya MEA (The Meeddya Group) did this install in Dubai, UAE. It’s 25 screens at Ski Dubai for MAF Group using Navori Ski Dubai of course allows visitors to enjoy winter weather ski and snow entertainment in the middle of the desert – why exactly you would want to do that is beyond us but […]

Gone In 30 Seconds

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Chris Sheldrake

It probably wasn’t worth a WHOLE press release, perhaps a tweet or a mention in presentation at a conference but we are anal enough to have found it interesting anyway here we see Captivate Network offerings its advertisers new (to them) 30-second ad format spots on it’s 8,000-plus North American digital screen network. Andrea Fairbairn, […]

Danoo’s Pick For CEO – Garry McGuire, Jr.

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Manolo Almagro, Q Division Managing Partner

I wear the label of Danoo fan-boy proudly. What’s not to like? – this company seems to making the right kind of moves to ensure its success over the past year. But today’s press release leaves me curiously intrigued and a bit gobsmacked. Danoo has finally picked the person that will succeed Aileen Lee, who […]

Dentsu Innovation 2013

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

Dentsu, the Japanese marketing services conglomerate, has announced a new strategic plan covering the period to 2013, during which time it will focus on areas including digital media, consumer insight and expanding its reach in emerging markets. The company, which is headquartered in Tokyo, has developed a new ‘medium-term management plan;, entitled Dentsu Innovation 2013, […]

Massiv TV, South Africa

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

Chris Sheldrake

“Bringing digital to taxi’s” is the way that our new friends at Posterscope South Africa described this network to us. We are told that Massiv TV has spent more than four years, we quote “at great expense, with masses of passion and effort to develop an out of home television platform that will engage commuters […]

Lancôme At Selfridges

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

Chris Sheldrake

LED screens close up are never really a good idea (pixelation etc) but these recently installed in the Lancôme concession at Selfridges don’t look too bad at all. Kerry MacNaughton, Merchandising Director for L’Oreal Luxury Products Division, told us “Selfridges is the premier retail location for Lancôme in the UK and an important showcase for […]

Barry Salzman To Leave YCD Multimedia

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Effective August 5th, 2009 Noam Levavi will succeed Barry Salzman as CEO of YCD Multimedia. Noam is currently chairman and one of the co-founders of the business. We were one of the first to welcome Barry when we wrote back in October 2007 ‘Dot Com / Web 2.0 Executives flock to Digital Out of Home‘ […]

100 AAA Branch Offices

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

Chris Sheldrake

Here’s one of the first pictures from Netkey‘s recent announcement that their digital signage software would operate digital signs in AAA club’s branch offices, headquarters and operations centers in Northern California, Nevada and Utah. AAA NCNU serves more than 4.2 million members via about 100 local branch offices and several operations centers. The club offers […]

Industry CEOs Swop Chairs Today

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

We have a couple of stories for readers today with two CEOs swopping chairs – not literally with each other like at some child’s party but metaphorically out with the old and in with the new. One announcement at lunchtime is a very strange choice for a CEO we think – especially with where the […]

More From The Thomson Garage Sale

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

Chris Sheldrake

This week at the Thomson (Euronext Paris: 18453; NYSE: TMS) garage sale we see that Civolution has acquired the Thomson STS watermarking business. About Civolution Civolution is a leading provider of technology and services for identifying, managing and monetizing media content. The company offers an extensive portfolio of cutting edge watermarking and fingerprinting technology solutions […]