Archive for April, 2010

Steve Jobs Hates DailyDOOH

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Alex Hughes

Steve Jobs hates DailyDOOH Flash… For what it’s worth first picture of DailyDOOH running on my new Apple iPad.

#ScreenMediaExpo – Developing Content For New Technology

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Chris Sheldrake

Another #ScreenMediaExpo presentation we are looking forward to is on Day 1 Channel 2: “On Screen” 1030-1100. It’s our old friend and DailyDOOH contributor Alex Hughes presenting on ‘Designing and Developing Content for new technologies: Christie Digital MicroTiles‘ In this presentation, Alex will be explaining why working with MicroTiles is unlike working with any other […]

Christie Digital Japan Launch Event

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

As mentioned over the weekend, Christie Digital is now firmly targeting the Asian market beginning this last week with Japan and then proceeding to China and South Korea as well as heading off to Australia we believe to show off its digital canvas… Below we see the Christie team in Japan…

DS-IQ – The ‘Google’ Of In-Store Media

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Rather quietly we think shopper marketing pioneer DS-IQ announced in the middle of April that it had completed the acquisition of Concept Shopping, in the statement on their web site they said “With this acquisition, DS-IQ offers retailers new ways to connect with shoppers to maximize marketing ROI across in-store, at-home and mobile channels”. It […]

Digicom insight Launched Today

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Chris Sheldrake

Digicom, the UK’s only independent ‘Pure Play’ digital media sales house selling at national level to clients, media agencies and outdoor specialists today made a very interesting announcement – the launch of a new division called ‘Digicom insight’ to support current and potential digital signage developers. Digicom Insight we are told “will provide clients with […]

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

A Brooklyn, N.Y.-based start-up is attempting to revolutionize the way outdoor media sellers interact with the buyers, including offering real-time online bidding and negotiating., launched two months ago, provides advertisers with a one-stop solution “that allows making media buying and placement decisions easy and fun,” says its management. While concentrating initially on traditional boards, […]

Best Buy To Open Small U.S. Mobile Stores

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

North American consumer electronics retailer Best Buy, is planning to open hundreds more of its new small mobile stores. The move comes as Best Buy goes after a larger share of the fast-growing demand for smart phones and other handheld devices. The company already has Best Buy Mobile stores in shopping malls across the U.S.. […]

#ScreenMediaExpo – i-CONIC IMAGES / dZine

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Chris Sheldrake

Software designer & player manufacturer dZine and supplier of video content i-CONIC IMAGES have announced a unique win win partnership for #ScreenMediaExpo in London on 5th and 6th May i-CONIC IMAGES is supplying over 20 minutes of HD footage from its Extreme Sports, Time-Lapse and Aerials collections to be shown on the Barco / dZine […]

Minicom’s Proof of Performance

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Minicom Digital Signage (MDS) is set to demonstrate the first Remote Device Management (RDM) solution with Proof of Performance capabilities at #ScreenMediaExpo (booth D5) next week. The proprietary RDM technology enables remote monitoring and control of display assets of any DS and DOOH network and, so we are told, marks the ‘conceptualization’ of managed displays. […]

Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City

Monday, April 26th, 2010

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City 56 story exterior is allegedly the world’s largest outdoor video display, displaying so we are told “synchronous, motion-based content that can be read equally well across a range of distances” This ‘World Series of Poker’ spot was created for the Harrah’s building exterior by Specialized Productions Inc. – the multimedia company […]