Archive for June, 2011

#mwl2011 Social Media Conference

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Geny Caloisi

At Marketing Week Live! the Social media conference was full to overflowing… As you can see from the picture above there were people on the floor, hanging over the stair case and standing outside. My quick takeaway “Brands worried about competitors and bad comments on tweets and over social media in general. Brand sentiment is […]

Digital Content For The Mobile Consumer

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

JP Biamby

All the digital content for Promaxbda The Conference 2011 was created and designed by Trollback+Associates, who have recently created cutting edge dynamic digital content for Nickelodeon, TED Talks, The World Science Festival and all the in-arena content for the METLife Meadowlands arena. In addition, Trollback+Associates recently launched a mobile app called +loop which is available […]

#mwl2011 Inspiration Wall

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Geny Caloisi

The organisers, like last year, did a great job of having live TV coverage, on the spot interviews and the such like throughout day one of Marketing Week Live! Here we see some of the coverage thrown up on the ‘Inspiration Wall’ made up of, what we believe are nine x Sharp 60″ MLCD displays. […]

#mwl2011 Twitter Screen

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Geny Caloisi

At Marketing Week Live! the first thing visitors were greeted with was one of Blue Apricot‘s social media digital screens … Showing Facebook, the Twitter etc.

RAM Vision In Deal With City Gateway

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

The guys at City Gateway Media have always been good at selling media so we don’t quite get why they would hand over media sales to RAM Vision for their (City Gateway Media’s) iconic LED screen in Manchester. An announcement yesterday said “Ram Vision has won the contract to partner with City Gateway Media managing […]

Aydin Handling eyevis In North America

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

Aydin Visual Solutions, Atlanta, Georgia, has partnered with eyevis Germany to supply products, sales support and marketing to the North American market. The new eyevis’ omniSHAPES and the company’s new 60” 4k LCD panel drew much attention during the recent InfoComm show in Orando. “We’re in talks with many interested parties, but won’t be able […]

Enriched Multimedia Signage in Art Museum

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Geny Caloisi

The museum of contemporary art MACBA in Barcelona boosts a new video wall and digital information screens using AOpen and DISE. MACBA is one of the major tourist attractions of Barcelona. The MACBA Collection, which started in roughly 1950, consists of works from Catalonian, Spanish and International artists. Though not an anthology, it is a […]

#mwl2011 POPAI Awards

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Geny Caloisi

Today POPAI will use the Marketing Week Olympia show to Celebrating the best in P-O-P and present all of the entries from this year’s POPAI Awards competition including the nominations announced on day one of the Show. The organisation will also featured a comprehensive 3D gallery of winners from last year’s contest.

Ricoh’s Backlit Eco-Board

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Ricoh have just launched a billboard powered only by wind and solar energy. For sure it’s ‘only’ a backlit poster but the idea has merit and it’s surely worth a mention. The Ricoh eco-board is the first of its kind in Europe in having dual natural sources of power so that it illuminates only when […]

A Projector Clash

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

It turns out that, while Christie projectors will be used by all Cineplex theatres in the new Canadian Digital Cinema Partnership $115 million digital theatre deal mentioned earlier today, we’re now told that the Empire theatres involved will be using Barco projectors. The Canadian Digital Cinema Partnership that made the financing deal consists of both […]