Archive for November, 2011

It’s DAWN At Pearson International

Friday, November 25th, 2011

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

The Greater Toronto Airports Authority has introduced a new Digital Advertising and Wayfinding Network (DAWN) that will help guests find their way through Toronto Pearson International Airport terminals, at the same time creating another leading edge digital advertising network at the airport. Toronto Pearson is the largest airport in Canada. In 2010, it handled an […]

Campaign Recognises Ocean Outdoor Sales Efforts

Friday, November 25th, 2011

Geny Caloisi

Ocean Outdoor has been named Outdoor Sales Team of the Year at the Campaign Media Awards, beating industry giants JCDecaux and Clear Channel to the title. The award judging panel said they were impressed how a relatively smaller company had held its own in what is regarded to be a pretty tough marketplace. “This is […]

MOOH Group DOOH Loos For Number One’s

Friday, November 25th, 2011

Geny Caloisi

In the past 24 hours we have heard of two new digital signage applications for men’s toilets. The first was the MOOH Group‘s DOOH Loo (see also our story about a ‘pee-controlled video game here‘) The DOOH loo consists of small screens located at the top of a waterless urinal called a Urimat.  signagelive CEO […]

Investointi Tulevaisuuteen

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

It’s not often we get emails in Finnish but this one avoided our spam filters late today. It was slightly annoying that the subject line was all Caps (but perhaps that is the way in a country that can only get 6 hours of sun a day in the winter time). ‘SIGNAGELIVE PILVIPOHJAISET INFOJÄRJESTELMÄT – […]

Electroboutique Pop-up At The Science Museum

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Geny Caloisi

The Electroboutique pop-up exhibition at the Science Museum awoke my curiosity. Innovative art production company Electroboutique (Russian artists Alexei Shulgin and Aristarkh Chernyshev) has created interactive artworks using live data, sophisticated custom electronics and bespoke software. The works have been created over the past seven years, and include two new works commissioned specifically for this […]

Tara Wilson Joins MediaZest Plc

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Geny Caloisi

Tara Wilson joins MediaZest Plc after 6 years at Yell Ltd. Graduating with a First Class (Hons) Degree in Business & Management, she has a background in Product Marketing, Marketing Communications and led Yell’s proven value call monitoring marketing initiative to show customers direct ROI. After 4 years in marketing, she then turned her hand […]

Raise Your Game (Yes Lyonsdown You Should)

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

So not surprisingly we see, once again, a money making publishing house with no knowledge of any industry (AV, Control Rooms, Digital Signage, DOOH, teleconferencing, telepresence and more in this case), and no skin in the game (so to speak) either, cobble together meaningless words and pictures, get monies from foolish marketing departments (in return […]

NanoLumens At 2011 NCAA Maui Invitational

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

NanoLumens, Norcross, Georgia (U.S.), was recently chosen to build four unique displays to be used in the National Collegiate Athletic Association Mens Basketball Maui Invitational Tournament on ESPN when organizers needed a lightweight, low profile, easy to install digital display that would also look great on camera for their advertisers. The company designed four customized […]

More #DSTop10 And Top 30 Prep Time

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

As politely put it in a comment on our post ‘Top 30 Digital Signage Software Vendors‘ “There has been a lot of changes since the article was published” and they are correct which is why we re-visit the list about this time every year. Actually in two of my last presentations (one public at […]

AV Communications Supplement Out Thursday

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Expect to see @scalainc @nec_display_eu and others in the AV Communications Supplement in Thursday’s Daily Torygraph. We’ll be buying a copy of the UK newspaper first thing and aim to bring readers our analysis of the supplement before lunchtime.